アーティストインタビュー「小枝紗奈」 - FROM ARTIST

Artist interview “Sana Koeda”

Today, we spoke to Sana Koeda , an artist who is currently very active at FROM ARTIST .

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview!

Just a quick question, I heard that you started drawing in July 2022. Please tell us how you started this activity. Also, what were you doing before you started your activities?

The reason we started our activities was due to the coronavirus infection. I had to take medical treatment at home for more than a week, but even after I recovered, I was not allowed to go out, so I used the paint I had left over to do some doodles, and I realized that I could create "self-expression" through drawings. I guess it was because I learned about it.

Also, before I started my activities, I was making accessories with UV resin and regularly running 5km. I have always loved creating things.

I think it was a difficult period for me to recover at home, but I'm very happy that that's what led me to where I am today, and that I'm still active with FROM ARTIST.

So, are there any art works you have seen that have influenced you or that you respect?

I wasn't originally a person who had much interest in art, but I still remember being shocked when I came across Miu Komatsu's paintings for the first time.

Now I try not to look at her work as much as possible. It's so amazing that I'm jealous. lol

Is it Miu Komatsu? Her works are certainly very powerful and beautiful, and they captivate everyone's eyes and hearts.

By the way, out of all the different genres out there, why did you start creating abstract paintings?

Actually, when I was in elementary and junior high school, I only drew manga-like pictures. I wasn't very good at drawing, so even when I was copying, rather than trying to improve myself by thinking, ``I can't draw this, I want to be able to draw!'' I always rearranged things that I couldn't do, which is kind of perverse. lol

However, the result has led to my current style of painting, and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to have my work seen by so many people.

Please tell us about the style and theme of your current work, and how you arrived at it.

As I said earlier, even when I'm drawing something, I can't draw it well and end up arranging it. In other words, I create from failures, and I value learning from failures. The current style of painting is to mix the main subject and the background visible from it on a single canvas.

The way they acknowledge their own flaws and value who they are...I think it's really wonderful.

Where do you get your inspiration for your work?

Most of the time I don't think about it. When I draw, it's always sudden. When I'm commuting and can't draw, I sometimes draw images on a graffiti app.

So, comparing who you are now with before you started your activities, have you noticed any changes in your daily life or state of mind?

Things have changed. Intuitively, I have learned to use different types of paints, materials, and textures, and I realized the value of my paintings when I sold them for the first time. It's a strange feeling, like a mixture of dream and reality. Also, through SNS, I was able to meet friends and people who supported me and who were also aiming to become painters, which was most valuable than anything else.

I think it's a strange feeling when something you create touches someone's heart, like a mixture of dreams and reality.

Do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

There's nothing in particular that I'm immersed in right now.

I'm the type of person who will get into it as soon as I'm interested in it, and if I get into it, I'll get hooked. I've been doing this since I was a student, and I enjoy listening to music and the radio to enjoy my daily life. It's difficult sometimes to keep up with TV news. lol

Do you have any goals or challenges for your future activities?

I want to earn money with my paintings.

Now, I regularly submit entries to contests, especially where there is a cash prize. I would also like to donate to an organization that protects disabled cats and dogs.

Until just a few years ago, I was actively participating in a welfare organization, but I stopped my activities due to a certain article. I'm thinking of quitting looking away and starting my activities again. Then I decided to draw a picture.

The feeling of wanting to use the money you've earned through your hard work to help someone else...it's a wonderful feeling.

Who do you want to see your work?

I want everyone to see it.

Even though I wasn't that interested in painting, I wanted to catch your eye and be as shocked as I was. I continue to draw pictures in order to meet you. I want more and more people to know the wonders of sensitivity. The ``trigger'' could be anything. I want to be a picture that you can relate to, even just a little bit. It is always waiting for you with a strong impact.

Thank you for your powerful message.

Lastly, please give a message to everyone who views FROM ARTIST.

First of all, I would like to thank FROM ARTIST for providing me with such a wonderful opportunity to express my feelings outside of this work.

To everyone who has read this far, thank you for sticking with me until the end.

As Sana Koeda, there are still many things I can do.

Your words and your thoughts will support me.

I would be happy if you could continue to support me.

I hope to be able to expand my activities a little more in 2023.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the interview.

FROM ARTIST is looking forward to seeing Sana Koeda's works in the future.

Work name: cat

Detail page URL: https://from-artist.com/products/cat

List of works: https://from-artist.com/collections/koedasana

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