Today, we spoke to Eitaro, an artist who is currently very active at FROM ARTIST.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview!
Eitaro, when did you start becoming interested in art?
I loved drawing since I was a child, but it wasn't until I was around 25 that I became seriously interested in art and decided to pursue a career in painting.
Please tell us about your current work style and how you arrived at it.
The only series in my work is the red curtain series, and red curtains actually symbolize the borderline between the inside and outside of society. Red is a color that symbolizes passion and is my favorite color, so I arrived at it quite naturally.
The inside and outside of's a wonderful and deep concept. I think the red color that only Eitaro can produce attracts many people.
Comparing who you are then and what you are now, has there been any change in your attitude or state of mind towards creating works?
In the past, I used to be too obsessed with how well I could draw, but now, paradoxically, I focus more on how freely I can draw, and how badly I can draw.
Do you have any particular preferences when creating?
I often listen to Vivaldi's Four Seasons of Winter when I'm working on it because it lifts my spirits.
Vivaldi's Four Seasons? It is very nice.
Do you have a favorite color? Please tell me the reason!
I still like red.
Are there any paintings or works of art that you have seen that have influenced you or that you respect?
His influences include Van Gogh, Modigliani, and Ruoschile. The painter I respect is Da Vinci.
Powerful and beautiful painters loved all over the world...I can see why they captivate Eitaro's heart.
Are there any expressions or themes you would like to try in the future?
After all, I want to express human spirituality more deeply.
Do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?
I do Japanese dance and classical ballet.
Please tell us your motto.
Being irrational and humanly stupid.
Please give a message to everyone viewing FROM ARTIST. (It's okay to use it as an advertisement, etc.)
The from artist site is full of talented artists, so please be sure to order.
Thank you for taking the time to answer the interview.
FROM ARTIST is looking forward to seeing Eitaro's works in the future.
Title: Girl with the red curtain
Work URL:
List of works:

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CEO of BUSCA LLC. FROM ARTIST business manager. Started his career as a marketer, gained experience at a business company and advertising agency, and then became independent. Completed marketing-related programs at multiple graduate schools and business schools, including the University of California, Berkeley and London Business School. He also studied the MBA Core Curriculum at Macquarie University and the importance of art in education at the University of British Columbia.