アーティストインタビュー【ゆづパン】 - FROM ARTIST

Artist interview [Yuzupan]

Today, we spoke to Yuzupan, an artist who is currently very active at FROM ARTIST.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview!

You are active in a wide range of fields such as web comics and illustrations, but what made you decide to draw?

Nice to meet you, I'm Yuzupan.

I have been drawing pictures ever since I was a child.

Therefore, I naturally made painting my life's work.

I was able to work in manga because of the relationships I had with people.

I decided to take up painting as a job because of Yabari.

Paintings were always there, and they were the best tool for me to feel a sense of purpose in life.

I've loved drawing since childhood! This continues even into adulthood, FROM A

I am deeply moved by the fact that you are active in ARTIST.

I'm sure you've created a lot of works so far, but do you have a favorite among them? Please also tell me the reason.

I drew a lot of pictures,

Painting on cardboard with acrylic was a dramatic experience.

My favorite is the one that depicts the clay figurines that I was really into at the time.

Is it cardboard? You see it often, but it's certainly a bold attempt!

So, Yuzupan, are there any artists that have impressed you so far? Also, could you tell me what parts of it impressed you?

Velasquez was impressed. The use of black in the statue of Christ on the Crucifixion gave me a sense of eroticism.

Also, Yoshitoshi Tsukioka's compositions and ways of appealing are very helpful.

What I really like is Milo's primitiveness.

I saw the works of each artist, and I felt that each artist's use of color was profound. I can see why Yuzupan is so captivated.

Yuzupan, have you ever felt like giving up or had any trouble while creating?

I haven't experienced any particular setbacks, but

Honestly, I've felt anxious about the fact that my work has become more rounded as I've gotten older.

However, I have constantly evolved by reviewing and facing the good things about my age.

Yuzupan, who always faces herself and her work, is so wonderful!

So please tell us about your current work style and how you arrived at it.

I'm particular about the style of surrealism x cute x pop art.

Due to the difficulty of conveying one's feelings through a single theme,

This is because I thought that I could increase the depth by mixing multiple events.

I know it's hard to keep drawing, so please let me know if there are any ways to stay motivated.

My motivation is to eat well, sleep well, and laugh often!

You create a variety of works such as watercolors and acrylic paintings, but where do you find inspiration for your work?

Inspiration is all around you. I get it from everything.

For example, how you slept that day, what happened on your morning walk, your favorite song.

I believe that anything can be used as a material.

Are there any expressions or themes you would like to try in the future?

When it comes to expressing challenges, I try to represent simple, symbolic things.

Draw animals using only ○△□.

I'm going to explore something simple and beautiful for a while.

Yuzupan, do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

Crafts, cooking, and loving my dog.

We are working hard to realize our ambitions (dog and cat protection activities).

They are also putting effort into conservation activities...so cool!

Finally, please tell us your motto.

If you don't have one, make one.

Everything in life is like a horse.

Health is art.


Thank you for reading!

Thank you for taking the time to answer the interview.

FROM ARTIST is looking forward to seeing Yuzupan's works in the future.

Title: Lady Colorful

Detail page URL: https://from-artist.com/products/ladycolorful

List of works: https://from-artist.com/collections/yudupan

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