アーティストインタビュー「フミトリツムギ」 - FROM ARTIST

Artist Interview "Fumitori Tsumugi"

Today, we interviewed the artist "Fumitori Tsumugi" who was born in Ehime Prefecture and works as an artist in Osaka .

First of all, what made you want to become an artist? Have you always wanted to work with paintings?

Originally, I had no desire to become an artist.

I've been drawing since I was a child, imitating my older sister, and when I was in high school, I admired a certain graduate, and I started to think, ``I want to work with painting, too.'' To be honest, I thought that if I could draw, I could draw illustrations at a game company or get a job at a design company. It's not the character or design of a game like that."

There was a time when I had become a full-time member of society and had a part-time job to cover my living expenses. All I had left was my thoughts. After that, when I managed to settle down in my private life and held my first solo exhibition, I talked to people who had seen my work and people who made a living by painting. I want to live.”

Is there a piece of art that has left the biggest impression on you? Please tell us your impression when you first saw it.

The oldest thing in my memory is Klimt's "Kiss", which I saw on the Internet when I was a junior high school student. At that time, I had almost no knowledge of art, and my image of art was something realistic, such as landscape paintings and portrait paintings, so I was strongly attracted to this work's unreal world view and color scheme.

Are there any artists who have influenced your work? Are there any aspects of your work influenced by that artist, such as the themes and techniques of your work?

I think I'm particularly influenced by Shiku Kiku.

The way in which a slightly comical person blends into the landscape in his mind is a style that makes me feel both gentle and lonely. increase. I wasn't really conscious of it when I drew it, but I think I was unconsciously influenced by the use of colors and fluid composition of the screen.

Compared to the past and the present, have there been any changes in your feelings towards production and works? Please tell us about your current work style and how you got there.

My current works depict feelings and memories that cannot be expressed in words under the theme of "things without form."

I express the ups and downs of my emotions with something like a whirlpool, like a wave.

I often put human-like things and bird-like things into my works, but I draw them as "something" that is swallowed up (entered) into the mental scenery. I intentionally keep the characters ambiguous because I want them to see the scenery in someone else's mind, or in their own mind, rather than the world for that character.

At first, I was mainly drawing game and illustration characters, and I was just drawing in my current style to take a break from that, but after realizing that what I wanted to express was the scenery in my mind, I started working on this theme. I am producing at

Is there anything you keep in mind when creating your work?

In order to be able to convey what I want to express to the other person as much as possible, I create works after analyzing my own thoughts in detail.

FROM ARTIST deals with artists of various genres.

I've been working with watercolors since junior high school, so I'm good at watercolor-like expressions.

I think that each artist has their own driving force behind their paintings, but where do you get your inspiration for your work?

I often get themes and inspiration from my daily life and my favorite songs.

Are there any expressions or themes that you would like to try in the future?

Currently, there are a lot of abstract expressions, so I sometimes try to create works that mix current themes with representations such as landscape paintings.

Please let me ask you some personal questions. Do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

I like karaoke, games anime manga, listening to songs and playing with birds.

Finally, what is your motto?

Reflect, but don't regret!

Introduction of works on FROMARTIST

Title of work: Keeping important parts hidden

Details page URL: https://from-artist.com/products/ Keep the important part hidden

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