アーティストインタビュー【安藤 哲太朗】 - FROM ARTIST

Artist interview [Tetsutaro Ando]

Today, we spoke to Tetsutaro Ando, ​​an artist who is currently very active at FROM ARTIST.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview!

I understand that Tetsutaro Ando graduated from the Nihon University College of Art, but when did you first become interested in art?

I belonged to the Department of Literature at Nihon University College of Art, and I wrote poetry instead of drawing. However, at that time I was trying to get as much input as possible, so I read books, watched movies, listened to music, and was exposed to art. It was during this time that I learned about the art of Andy Warhol and Jean-Michel Basquiat, and also learned about the history of Western painting in an aesthetics class at university, and began to see many of their works myself. However, what I was always interested in was music and literature, and I never thought of drawing pictures myself.

I used to work at an NPO that supported the homeless and the needy, but I suddenly realized that humans can't survive just by having food, clothing, and shelter, and that they can't survive without something like a goal or hope in life. Realizing this, in 2021 I started a facility to support people with disabilities in their art activities.

During the support activities, I saw people with disabilities doing various creative activities and their works, and suddenly thought that I might try painting myself, so one day in May 2022, I bought a canvas and acrylic paints and started painting. I got it

It's a wonderful initiative.

Tetsutaro Ando , ​​you usually draw unrealistic things such as ghosts, UFOs, and monsters. Please tell us about the style of your current work and how you arrived at it.

I have always loved UFOs, space things, and supernatural things, and since I was a child I have watched a lot of science fiction movies such as The X-Files, Twin Peaks, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Therefore, it was natural for me to use them as motifs in my paintings. Also, I often draw scenes and places that are connected to me, and I thought it would be fun to incorporate my favorite cosmic and supernatural things into my daily life. I started styling.

Comparing who you are then and what you are now, has there been any change in your attitude or state of mind towards creating works?

I've been writing poetry and making music for a long time, but for some reason those tasks were difficult for me. I love it and I really want to do it, but it's painful. However, the drawing that I started last year is different, and when I wake up in the morning, I naturally feel like drawing. When I draw, I think about and remember many things. I have a lot of negative memories, but normally I would be affected by flashbacks, but when I draw, I can have them flow from right to left. With the help of brushstrokes and the flow of color, you can chase away painful emotions.

Do you have any particular preferences when creating?

I don't have any particular preferences. Some days I'll just play some random music, listen to a podcast, or draw a picture while lazily playing a movie. Sound seems necessary. I think it's so I don't get lonely.

Do you have a favorite color? Please tell me the reason!

turquoise green

This is my favorite poster color. This is a poster for the movie Buenos Aires. I've had it posted in my bedroom ever since I was in college.

Are there any paintings or works of art that you have seen that have influenced you or that you respect?

I have bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression. Munch is a painter who is thought to have had the same disease, and his dark, lonely, and cold view of the world during his depression and his works during his mania, such as the mural "The Sun," I like his work and am influenced by his work because I feel that duality with the world, which is full of bright and fresh energy.

Are there any expressions or themes you would like to try in the future?

I'm currently taking on the challenge of uploading 100 works to Instagram in a year since I started doing acrylic paintings last May. I'm painting on an F6 size canvas, but I really want to paint a bigger painting after this challenge is over.

It is very nice. You are always facing what is within yourself and continuing to challenge yourself.

Do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

I'm currently practicing the piano. Also, I participate in an improvisational band on a pianica about once a month.

Please tell us about Tetsutaro Ando 's motto.

"Don't feel sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for yourself is something a vile person does."

Although I may say so myself, there were many difficult times. I tend to feel sorry for myself when I feel like I'm about to give up, whether it's due to bipolar disorder, developmental disorders, PTSD, or the eight years I've lived as a recluse since graduating from university, but I shouldn't be like that and feel sorry for myself. I have lived my life telling myself not to feel sorry for myself. These words are said by a man named Nagasawa to the main character in Haruki Murakami's novel ``Norwegian Wood.''

Lastly, please give a message to everyone viewing FROM ARTIST.

I'm running a challenge to upload 100 works in a year on Instagram. Please try it if you like! ID: neoncomet1984

Thank you for taking the time to answer the interview.

FROM ARTIST is looking forward to seeing Tetsutaro Ando's works in the future.

Title of work: Tengu

Work URL: https://from-artist.com/products/tengu

List of works: https://from-artist.com/collections/andoutetsutarou

Author: RIEKO

FROM ARTIST management staff. I manage SNS and create feature articles. We support operations from the perspective of art lovers.

Supervisor: Shoma Toida

CEO of BUSCA LLC. FROM ARTIST business manager. Started his career as a marketer, gained experience at a business company and advertising agency, and then became independent. Completed marketing-related programs at multiple graduate schools and business schools, including the University of California, Berkeley and London Business School. He also studied the MBA Core Curriculum at Macquarie University and the importance of art in education at the University of British Columbia.

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