アーティストインタビュー「絵師 冬奇」 - FROM ARTIST

Artist interview “Artist Fuyuki”

Today, we spoke to artist Fuyuki, a Kyoto town painter who provides "patterns called paintings" in various media such as shopping mall ceiling curtains, wrapping paper, and original ukiyo-e paintings .

Thank you for your cooperation in today's interview!

First of all, how did you start working as an artist?

Actually, I wanted to become a Kano school painter. I couldn't get used to it, so I became a first-generation painter.

The Kano school is said to be the largest school of painting in the history of Japanese painting. It seems that there are various schools of painting, but does this mean that the Kano school is more difficult to aim for than the first generation painters?

There is no current Kano school. Currently, there is no organized group that used to draw castles and temples through division of labor. That's why I decided to start the first generation from scratch again.

For the next 15 years, I worked as a craftsman in kimono manufacturing in Kyoto. There, we learn about the traditional culture and spirituality that must be preserved in the patterns, and the feelings that have been passed down to the wearers for generations. I wanted to try drawing a picture like that. ...Even other than kimono ^^

Of all the works you have seen so far, is there any art work that left a lasting impression on you or influenced you the most? Please let me know if there is a reason or background for this.

It is influenced by the Kano school's falcon and dragon paintings.

In your profile, it says that you "provide patterns called paintings," but why do you offer patterns instead of one-of-a-kind original paintings?

Of course we sell paintings, but we also sell apparel patterns, brooch patterns, tapestries, and curtains. The pattern of the utensils and the packaging of alcoholic beverages. It is the artist's job to sell the designs necessary for survival.

I believe that you have used your own works as patterns in a variety of media, but are there any that you have a particular attachment to?

I was excited to be involved in the original ukiyo-e illustrations for the Rolling Stones.

Rolling Stones! It's a rare opportunity to work with a world-famous artist!

By the way, have there been any changes in the style of your previous works?

There are no major changes, but depending on the customer's request, I draw in the Rinpa style or in the Hokusai style.

You create your work with an emphasis on creating work that satisfies your customers!

Among these, what do you particularly keep in mind when creating your works?

Delivery date.

Some artists find inspiration from other genres when they get stuck in their work, but where do you get your inspiration from when creating your work?

I take walks, watch movies, listen to music, and try to get my heart moving every day.

Are there any expressions or themes you would like to try in the future?

The expression is looser and the theme is life.

Please also tell me something personal. Do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

Movies, music, delicious food, alcohol, and bicycles🚴.

Lastly, if you have any motto, please let us know.

Paying money to do what you like is a hobby, and being a professional is getting paid to do what you like.

Words from Isetan charismatic buyer Fujimaki

Introducing the works featured on FROMARTIST

Title: Illustration of a lunar eclipse

Detail page URL: https://from-artist.com/products/gessyokunozu

List of works: https://from-artist.com/collections/eshifuyuki

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