アーティストインタビュー【KoA】 - FROM ARTIST

Artist interview [KoA]

Today, we spoke to KoA, an artist who is currently very active in FROM ARTIST.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview!

KoA , when did you start drawing?

From around the age of 5 or 6, I started drawing my favorite characters by looking at them and imitating them.

I've loved drawing since I was young.

KoA's work is characterized by sparkling eyes. Please tell us about your current style and how you arrived at it.

My drawings are influenced by street artists such as KAWS, and while pursuing POP and heart-pounding drawings in my own way, I ended up with characters with distinctive eyes. The sparkle in the eyes is inspired by jewels and conveys the message that everything has value and can shine.

All of KAWS's works are really cool! I'd be happy to tell you how KoA arrived at his current style!

So, are there any aspects or themes that you are particular about when creating your works?

When creating works, I am conscious of expressing my own unique worldview. I make it a point to create works that intuitively give the viewer a positive image of something cool, cute, etc.

Where do you get your inspiration for your work?

I get inspiration from various places such as sounds, sights, and smells.

Comparing yourself before and now, have you changed anything in your attitude or state of mind towards creating works?

In the past, I only drew pictures for fun, but these days, I try to convey some kind of message to not only myself but to many people through my works, and I try to make them feel happy.

Are there any paintings or works of art that you have seen that have influenced you or that you respect?

I am particularly influenced by the works of KAWS and Stephen Harrington.

KoA, are there any expressions or themes you would like to try in the future?

Currently, many of my drawings are based on the themes of happiness and going at my own pace, so I would like to express themes that have a stronger message in my drawings.For example, I would like to express my own feelings about the current society.

Do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

Dancing and listening to music. Dancing is similar to painting in the sense that it allows me to express myself, and I enjoy both doing it and watching it.

Please tell us your motto.

Continuation is power

Lastly, please give a message to everyone who views FROM ARTIST.

As I continue to create works, I will continue to create works that will be loved by many people, as well as works that touch the heart in a positive way, such as those that feel good or energize when viewed! Thank you very much for your support.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the interview.

FROM ARTIST is looking forward to seeing KoA's works in the future.

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