アーティストインタビュー【TAE】 - FROM ARTIST

Artist interview [TAE]

Today, we spoke to the artist "TAE" who is currently very active at FROM ARTIST.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview!

TAE, when did you start drawing?

My first opportunity was when I joined the art club in junior high school and started painting seriously as part of that club.

During your student days, you discovered something that you're still passionate about. It is very nice!

What made you interested in abstract painting?

When I was a student, I always used oil paintings to copy famous works. After that, due to work and childcare, I didn't have the time or energy to do oil painting. But one day, I happened to come across acrylic paint. It's easier to prepare than oil painting, has no odor, and can be easily handled like watercolor, but can be layered and painted like oil painting! So it was fun to draw for the first time in a while, and as I enjoyed the feel of the drawing, the flow of the brush strokes, and the layering of colors, it turned out to be an abstract painting (lol)

As you continued to draw according to your heart, you arrived at abstract painting.

So, are there any paintings or works of art that you have seen that have influenced you or that you respect?

I mainly use Instagram personally, but I respect artists all over the world. He is also a teacher of various techniques, not just abstract painting. Art is truly wonderful and inspires me, transcending countries and races.

I think the same thing. The existence of artists who continue to add color to everyday life is very important.

You mentioned that you have been incorporating texture art recently. Could you please tell us how you came across it and why you started incorporating it?

It was also on Instagram that I discovered texture art. Well, there is a method like this too! I immediately wanted to try it, so I tried to imitate it. Works with simple patterns and textures like other people's works are also beautiful, but I like to mix them with abstract paintings.

I see...Then please tell us about your current work style and how you arrived at it.

As I wrote in the previous question, my basic art is abstract painting. Above all, it's free and fun. And the texture art is also well integrated. If I had to choose, I'd say abstract texture (lol).I also use resin sometimes, and I'll use anything. I think my current style was inspired by SNS.

Where do you get your inspiration for your work?

Maybe everyone is like that, but a work grows during production. Even I don't know what will happen in the end. However, I thought I would try using blue paint as the first seed. Do something that comes to mind. As I was looking at it, I thought I would like to do this next time. You can see the next move. The repetition becomes a work of art.

These are wonderful words from an artist who says that a work grows during its creation.

Comparing yourself before and now, have you noticed any changes in your daily life or state of mind?

There are so many things like that (lol) I was a nurse for a long time, but I became depressed and couldn't work anymore. When I was a student, I used to copy things and always thought that I had to draw exactly the same way. It had become his personality and way of life. Just work hard. But when I became depressed and started drawing abstract paintings, I realized, ``It's okay to be free! It doesn't matter what you use or what you draw!'' My everyday mindset became easier, and my illness got better. .

I'm sure you've gone through a lot of hardships up until today, but I think these words from TAE will really lighten the hearts of people who read this article, and make them realize once again how wonderful it is to be yourself. Masu.

TAE, do you have any interests or hobbies other than art?

Eating sweets such as chocolate. Watching videos on YouTube etc.

Do you have any resolutions or challenges for 2023?

I recently made stamps for my own work using erasers and resin, and it was a lot of fun, so I want to try out different techniques again this year and expand my world!

Lastly, please give a message to everyone who views FROM ARTIST.

Thank you for reading my introduction page. Currently, incomes are decreasing due to the coronavirus pandemic, and prices are rising due to factors such as the weak yen. But in a world like this, I want people to incorporate art into their daily lives. I hope that decorating art will become more commonplace, just like decorating a single flower, and that it will enrich everyone's hearts. We look forward to your continued support of ``FROM ARTIST'' and ``Abstract Painter TAE.''

Thank you for taking the time to answer the interview.

FROM ARTIST is looking forward to seeing TAE's works in the future.

Title: Frozen City

Work URL: https://from-artist.com/products/kooritukumachi

List of works: https://from-artist.com/collections/TAE

 Author: Fumitori Tsumugi

FROM ARTIST management staff. We write feature articles and columns, and provide operational support from an artist's perspective.

While I usually teach at a vocational school, I am also active as an artist, holding solo exhibitions and public exhibitions.


Supervisor: Shoma Toida

CEO of BUSCA LLC. FROM ARTIST business manager. Started his career as a marketer, gained experience at a business company and advertising agency, and then became independent. Completed marketing-related programs at multiple graduate schools and business schools, including the University of California, Berkeley and London Business School. He also studied the MBA core curriculum at Macquarie University and the importance of art in education at the University of British Columbia.

Painter Watercolor Painting Oil Painting Landscape Painting Canvas Art Acrylic Painting Painting Abstract Painting Art Artist Art Graphic Art Digital Art Illustrator Fluid Art Contemporary Art Art Museum Art University Student Solo Exhibition artwork painting Autumn of art I want to connect with painters Living with paintings  Artist recruitment Painting appreciation 

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