日本全国アートの旅・準グランプリ「安部豊」インタビュー - FROM ARTIST

Interview with Yutaka Abe, second-place grand prize winner of the Japan National Art Trip

“Journey Across Japan in Tsukuba” ended successfully with a total of 107 entries and exhibits, and approximately 1,500 people who supported and participated.

This time, we spoke to Yutaka Abe, who won the runner-up prize, about his daily life and works.

Q. Congratulations on winning the runner-up!

Please let us know if you have any thoughts or themes behind the works exhibited this time.

-First of all, thanks to the many people who came to the event and voted, we were able to win the runner-up prize. This exhibition was held in Tsukuba, my hometown and my base of activities, so I received many votes of support. I'm really thankful to you.

The works I exhibited this time have a rather dark and suspicious atmosphere to me. The theme was that there is fun in it.

Q. I found the loose, pop-like patterns of the animals that appear in Mr. Abe's works, and the warmth of his style, which can only be achieved using analog art materials, very appealing! Do you have any particular preferences when drawing?

-When I usually draw, I like to first establish a solid story, and then I like to add small pranks that aren't really obvious at first glance.

In this work, I have espresso and souvenir cookies on my desk as a reminder of my last trip. The rest is perspective and composition. I like the human perspective, but I also like the bird's perspective, and I often draw with careful consideration of the composition.

Q. There are many artists who draw pictures on the side, but are you currently working as an illustrator?

-Currently, I only work as an illustrator as my main job. It would be an endlessly long story to explain how it all started, but to put it simply, I couldn't maintain a good work-life balance in my research/technical job related to the environment and water cycle, so two years ago I decided to pursue a career in illustration, which was my hobby. I thought about it and started a business.

Q. In this exhibition, you displayed illustrations with a warm atmosphere, but do you often create illustrations using analog art materials in your work?

-I don't use any special art supplies. The watercolor paints are commercially available, and the line drawings are drawn with ballpoint pens like those sold at stationery stores.

When I receive an illustration request from a company, I often draw digitally so that I can make changes, but when it comes to free-form work, I prefer analog.

Q. Among the works exhibited this time, are there any that you have a particular fondness for?

-I have two works on display this time, and the one that won an award has a particularly strong feeling, and I have attached a story to it as well.

The title of this work says 3rd, because there is a 2nd time, and there is a work in which a map of Venice is spread out and a meeting is held. The third meeting was a strategy meeting to go to a cenote around Cancun, but it was after the trip to Venice, so I still have some lingering memories from that trip.

Q. The stories are connected, so if you know the other works, it will be more fun to watch! Do you have any plans for exhibitions or events in the future?

-When I turned 40 and turned from a researcher to an illustrator, I was already taking on a lot of challenges, but I would especially like to focus on illustration work that makes use of my previous job's expertise in the environment and the water cycle. I would like to draw more and more illustrations that are freely conceived from pure images.

-Look forward to your future activities! I look forward to working with Abe in the future!

“The 3rd Secret Strategy Meeting ~Towards the Sacred Spring with the Afterglow of the Water City~”


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