FROM ARTIST INTERVIEW-_m_art&shiromaro-

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How long did it take to draw this picture?

What kind of experiences does he have that allow him to paint such a picture?

Would you like to take a peek at the secrets and behind-the-scenes of production?


"_m_art x Shiromaro"

White and Maroon ...



What made you start drawing?


Thank you for participating in this interview today!

First, could you please give us a brief introduction about yourself?


My name is Miyo from _m_ art and I mainly draw abstract paintings and imaginary landscapes . I have loved drawing and creating art in general since I was a child, and after graduating from university, I worked in DTP design and contracted with an overseas fair trade workshop to design and sell (retail and wholesale) original natural stone jewelry .

Until then, painting had been a hobby, but in the winter of 2022, I started painting seriously and began selling my work through FROM ARTIST, who was the first to contact me.I have since been delivering to private homes and stores, and am still doing so to this day.


It's was so!




I was approached by FROMARTIST on Instagram, and since then I've been registering my work and relying on them every day (laughs).

I have had the opportunity to participate in exhibitions organized by FROMARTIST and have had my works purchased.


Like _m_art, I've loved drawing since I was little, and at first I was working in a completely different industry, but when I was drawing pictures of my parents' cats in my spare time, I got a lot of praise. From then on, I became interested in jobs related to drawing, so I quit my job at the time, and now I work part-time while continuing to draw. I mainly draw pictures of cats.


Both of you said that you started drawing when you were little, but m_art said in the questionnaire that he started drawing because his older sister was drawing. Are there any artists in your family?


I have three siblings, and the two youngest are also very good at drawing. They often copy anime!

My father also paints.


Are your family members still painting now?


My father doesn't know, but my two younger brothers and I still often draw pictures together.


Is your sister still drawing pictures?


Yes, my sister is involved in art activities alongside her day job and has even taken on illustration jobs for TV shows, but it seems like she's busy with her day job now.


_m_art, do you have any desire to work on television or something in the future?


I haven't really thought about that at the moment. I don't know what the future holds, but right now I'm interested in canvas works, three-dimensional works, and other things that can be enjoyed by displaying them in a space.

I am interested in art and creating spaces that contain art.


I see. Rather than taking on a new role as a job, you have a strong desire to pursue something you love, something in the art field?


If I am asked, I would like to take on the challenge of various jobs. I would like to broaden my horizons and continue to work without limiting my possibilities.

About the style of your drawings


The reason I asked the two of them to have a conversation this time was because, as they both paint in different styles, I thought I would be able to hear each of them from different perspectives.

Shiromaro paints realistic pictures of cats and other creatures, while _m_art mainly focuses on abstract art...I personally feel like they are at opposite ends of the spectrum, but why did you each decide to pursue your current genre?


For me, it all started with the cat painting I mentioned at the beginning. Actually, the cat's name is Shiromaro, but at the time I was working away from home so I didn't get to see him that often. I kept drawing him exactly like the picture in the photo, thinking "I want to meet him!", and I ended up with a painting that made me feel like I met him! As I continued to draw, I got better and better, and it started to be fun.

So I started working hard in that area (realism).

Brown tabby cat - Shiromaro


Have you ever thought about trying your hand at abstract painting?


Yes, it is these days.


I see! Are you taking on any new challenges?


Yes, recently there was a scene in someone's music video where a light bulb lit up, and I thought, "I wonder if I can express that feeling using yellow," so I tried drawing it, but it ended up looking too realistic.


Expressing something that has no form through shapes and colors can make you feel like, "What am I supposed to do?" (laughs)


I also had a quick look at _m_art's work. The blue ones and the painting of the stones... I thought it was amazing. (laughs)


Thank you smile)


Do you draw realistic pictures, m_art?


Yes. I've loved drawing illustrations ever since I was old enough to understand, and since I was little I was asked by friends to draw for me, and to illustrate the cover of their newsletters. I was so happy to make people happy, so at home I would draw manga with my mother as the main character, and I would submit illustrations to girls' manga magazines. I loved drawing, but I also loved the thrill of thinking, "Maybe my work will be published." I still love drawing illustrations.

I also liked thinking about color combinations and patterns, so as I grew up I naturally became drawn to abstract paintings. I like how abstract paintings can show a variety of different expressions depending on the mood, time of day, weather, where you hang them, and the direction in which you hang them, and I find them deeply appealing. Recently I've been creating works that are more like imaginary landscapes (the ocean series) rather than focusing on abstract art. I create works that reflect my inner self at any given time.


So you didn't start out painting abstract art.


Yes. I used to love drawing fashion illustrations and pictures of princesses in dresses.


So it's true that you really started painting abstract works in earnest within the last year or so.


I started painting abstract paintings in earnest in the winter of 2022, so it's been about a year and a half. Before that, I would draw occasionally, but I was always creating something, not just painting, but also remaking clothes and designing jewelry. Creating is essential for me, and it is the best way to heal and express myself.


Personally, I have the impression that abstract artists often express their inner selves, but in your case, _m_art, do you have a strong desire to "create something that fits the space?"


When I actually create, I don't think of it as a separate thing. For me, the expression of my inner self and the expression of the work I want to display in a space are one and the same.


It feels like I'm just drawing things that I enjoy drawing.


That's usually the case. Pursuing texture, color, balance, and so on until I'm satisfied is based on self-exploration and healing. But recently, I've been researching in my own way, listening to my customers' opinions and looking at various things to see how I can create paintings that resonate with the viewer and make them want to hang them up! lol. I've been writing down ideas, things I've learned, things I want to achieve, etc. in notebooks, and I'm on my second one now. I've always written a lot in idea notebooks, and I also make image boards that visualize my dreams and hang them up in my room.

Heavenly Ocean No.2-_m_art


You said that the cat at your parent's house was what got you started drawing, and even now you continue to draw cats and various animals. Is it because you like the animals that you draw them?


Yes, and also... when I go out and take photos, I sometimes look back at them later and think, "Ah, I want to turn this photo into a painting!" (laughs)


I see.

Do you often get people saying things like, "Please draw my cat too!?"


Yes. At my part-time


I see! So people know that you draw even at your part-time job.


I'm saying that myself (laughs).

──About the art materials you use


Now, my next question is, what art materials do you usually use? What do you use?


Acrylic paint and modeling paste are the basics. I'm experimenting with new materials that catch my eye, such as cracking medium (creating cracks to express the beauty of aging), pearl medium, polling medium, and scrap wood.

Sometimes I use nail flakes and glitter. Tools range from painting knives to scrapers, tips, brushes, sponges, rollers, forks, spoons, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, scrubbing brushes, and more. I even take home a stirrer I got at McDonald's that I never use and use in my work.

Normally, I often recycle things I no longer need, but when it comes to my creations, I have a habit of not throwing things away but reusing them as tools instead.


Do you often try using certain tools because you are curious about the texture that can only be achieved with that tool?


Well, I experiment daily with things I have at home.


What made you start using acrylic paints?


My older sister used acrylic gouache to paint on canvas, so at first I borrowed it and started painting with it, but acrylic paints are more durable and less likely to crack, so I started using them so that my works would last longer.


I see. Did you first learn about modeling paste and mediums because you've been using those materials for a long time?


I knew about modeling paste because my older sister had been using it for a long time, but I only learned about cracking mediums and the like after I started creating seriously, and started trying them out myself.


I see. What kind of art materials do you usually use?


I usually draw with colored pencils! Sometimes I use acrylics or watercolors. I often try different things and then get bored (laughs).


Is there a reason why you continue to prefer using colored pencils?


Yes, when I was drawing a picture of a cat, I was really complimented on the eyes. I certainly put a lot of effort into drawing the eyes, using dozens of different colored pencils to draw the eye patterns, and as I did so, I really liked that way of drawing. I incorporate that style into many parts of the cat, such as the eyes and fur.


I see! I understand that you also use watercolors and acrylics, but do you use different ones depending on the purpose?


That's right. When I want to paint a large area, I can paint it all at once with watercolors or acrylics, but I feel like it would be a waste to use colored pencils, so I end up being stingy. (laughs) That's how I use them. But if I think that colored pencils would be better for this expression, I'll use them.


You try out different art materials but always come back to colored pencils.


I agree.


_m_art's works have impressive textures and bumps on the screen, as well as three-dimensional expressions. Are you interested in this kind of expression, Shiromaro?


I do have feelings about it, but... I only learned about modeling paste and mediums about two weeks ago.


Quite recently, isn't it?


After I learned that, I thought, "Oh, that's why the screen is so exciting!" I bought some gel medium, but I haven't used it yet (laughs).


So, it's currently in the research stage. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!

--How often do you draw? How often do you draw?


By the way, how fast do you two draw? I imagine it depends on how much time you each have in a day...


Recently, I've been creating works almost every day. First, I create a base with paste, then the next day, when it dries, I add new textures and when it hardens, I add more colors and pastes, and so on, creating several works at the same time, little by little.

I keep the works I'm currently working on in the living room where I can see them often, and I check from a distance how they will look when displayed in the room, and think about things like whether I should add a little color to them. When I have an order, such as before an exhibition, I paint all day.


It seems like it would take a lot of time to create a large piece.


Yes. Large works take a lot of time. I usually work on multiple pieces at the same time, but I do them little by little, so my production speed is not fast.


So, do you make large quantities when you can?


Yes, when I'm in the mood, I draw a lot. Recently, I exhibited about eight pieces at a gallery in Ginza, but some of them were large pieces, so it took a while to finish them. There were some pieces that I started drawing after deciding to exhibit, so I sometimes finished them until 2am just before the exhibition.


It's very crunchy!


It really ended up being a tight schedule... (laughs) I originally drew it with a little more time to spare.


Some people say that having a deadline helps them work more efficiently, what do you think, _m_art?


When there is a deadline, I have to work, but I like to keep a pace that is just right - busy enough so that I have time to relax.


Shiromaro, how long does it take you to create a work of art using colored pencils?


Colored pencils take about a month.

I often draw on A4 size paper.


How long does it take to paint with watercolors or acrylics?


For watercolors it takes half a month, and for acrylics it depends on the case, but it's about three days.


Do you find it takes a long time to draw while thinking about it?


That's true, but I'm the type of person who only does things when I'm motivated, so the difference is huge.


It's like you can't move on to production unless you have that feeling like, "Okay, let's do it!"


Yes, when I feel like it I draw with colored pencils, when I'm tired I draw with watercolors, and while the watercolors are drying I do acrylics... something like that.

Night view - Shiromaro


Shiromaro-san is also drawing at the same time.

How much do you both write in a month?


I don't know, but I've never counted because it depends on the size of the piece, but I usually draw about five pieces a month.


It's amazing how much stamina he has to complete all that in just one month!

What about you, Shiromaro?


The number of canvases I make also varies depending on the size, but recently I've been into mini canvases. I paint at least four of them.

──What is the most uplifting moment while drawing?


Both of you draw about the same amount in a month.

By the way, are there any moments when you feel good while creating?


I feel great when I achieve a color, texture, and balance that excites me. But sometimes that moment never comes, and even when I've completed about 90% of the drawing, I still don't feel satisfied and have to start over from scratch.

But when I hang the finished painting in my room and it adds depth and dimension to the space, it feels wonderful, and even the atmosphere in the room feels different, it's the best feeling ever, haha.


Do those things often happen by chance while you're drawing?


Sometimes, while I am experimenting, I come up with something wonderful (in my opinion), but when I am presenting it as a work, I have to add and subtract things later to find the best balance, so it takes time and effort. I spend several days adding and subtracting, so it is rarely finished right away.


What about you, Shiromaro?


As I mentioned earlier, I draw each and every fine detail one by one, and I feel good when I create a piece that catches the eye overall.


A cat's eyes are very delicate and contain many different colors, making them look complex. Is there anything you pay attention to when it comes to color gradations?


That's right... I just observe the color of cats' eyes, which to me can only see as blue, and if I see a faint hint of red while observing, I add red, or even if the cat's eyes are blue, I try not to miss any moments when I can see an accent color.


_m_art mentioned that some of your work is the product of chance, but when you're drawing, do you have a standard of beauty or an equation that you use to make your drawings look beautiful?


There is no exact formula for how something will look beautiful, but I try to take away from it and not add too much. I value the uniquely Japanese way of seeing beauty in white space.


It's like you think about it while looking at the screen.


That's right. I create by adding and subtracting, and when I feel it's "beautiful," I stop.


Maybe you can look back at it later and add something to it?


Yes, there are things that bother me after I finish it, and sometimes it ends up looking weird when I try to add things to it... (laughs)


I guess I didn't need this color after all? (laughs)


Yes, there are times when things can't be undone.


If you look at it positively, it will be a valuable experience for your future works. (laughs)

Shiromara, are there any particular points you pay attention to when drawing eyes?


Yes, I draw the eyelashes and eyeliner thickly around the eyes and focus on the face to draw the attention to the eyes.


I want the viewer to pay particular attention to the eyes.


Yes, I really wanted to be praised (laughs).


I see…!

──What would you like to ask fellow artists?


By the way, this is the first time you two have met in person. Is there anything you would like to ask each other?


Besides drawing animals, do you also draw people and backgrounds?


Right now, that's my problem. I'm really bad at anything other than animals, so it's a real problem.


Do you have a desire to draw?


Yes, sometimes people at my part-time job ask me to draw a picture of their grandchild, but no matter how hard I try, the quality is inferior to the pictures of cats I usually draw. I try really hard, but the more I add, the more it doesn't look like a picture of a person.


Will I become something other than human?!


That's right. But the backgrounds are the opposite of the characters, and tend to have clean colors, aren't they? I get the impression that they tend to use light colors, but the colors I use are dark...


Indeed, I have the impression that the colors Shiromaro uses tend to be primary colors.


That's right. Everything is intense and noisy (laughs).

So I really want to work hard.


I guess the challenge will be figuring out how to incorporate it into your own style.

How about using watercolors to paint pale colors such as the sky?


I tried it, but it didn't work... (laughs)

I still need to practice more (laughs).


There's still a lot to come...!

Does Shiromaro have any questions for _m_art?


In addition to the drawings of people I mentioned earlier, one of my assignments is "How to motivate people."

I can start drawing once I sit down at my desk and pick up my tools, but it takes a long time to get to that point.

_m_art, are you taking any measures?


The best way to get motivated is to remember the times when customers were happy with my work, and to reread the comments and letters I've received. It makes me feel very happy, and I feel like I want to draw again!

But sometimes it takes a long time to start producing a piece. At times like that, I try not to force myself to draw, but I often get the urge to draw something while I'm listening to and seeing things, like a moving experience or a view I saw while traveling.

If I don't have a stock of those things, I can't draw much, so I try to do what I like. Eventually, ideas will come to me little by little, and there will come a time when I feel like drawing, so I try not to rush and just do what I like.


Maybe there isn't enough input?


Ah...I see.


Yes, that's true for me, so to refresh myself I go for walks or yoga, go to cafes, or think about my hobbies of interior design, gardening, and DIY. I think that enriching my time outside of art will lead to more creative work.

By the way, when I want to easily get motivated to create at home, I like to look at Pinterest. There are a lot of high-quality photos that make me think, "This color is beautiful, I might try using it next time," so it's exciting to look at them and it's also helpful. I often look at interiors, but I also look at a variety of things, from beautiful landscapes to food. Sometimes there are hints hidden in them... I recommend Pinterest (laughs).


When in doubt, use Pinterest. (laughs)


Ok, I'll check out Pinterest!

-- What are your future goals and challenges?


So, please tell us about your future goals and challenges!


I would like to create using a wider variety of materials and waste materials. In addition to new mediums, I am also experimenting with creating pieces that incorporate waste materials such as surplus kimono wrapping paper that I have at home, sea glass that I find at the beach, and scraps left over from DIY projects.

Our goal is to create art that is kind to people and the earth, and to raise awareness of the global environment through art.


From what I know, I've seen something called eco-art, is it something like making art out of empty cans?


That's something I'm interested in. DIY is one of my hobbies, and when I make furniture for my home I end up with scraps, so I'd like to use those to create something wonderful.

Where the sky and sea meet


I am looking forward!

What about you, Shiromaro?


I'd like to try new art materials. I'm interested in gel medium, but also resin. Also, paper clay... When it comes to drawing, I want to get better at drawing people as well as backgrounds. Shhh...and various other things.


There are so many things I want to do.

If it's about mediums, you could take this opportunity to ask _m_art about it.


I'd love to.


It depends on how you want to use it, but my favorite modeling paste is paper paste. It has a texture similar to Japanese paper or plaster, so if you put paint on top of it, it creates a different look from your usual painting. I think it creates a sense of atmosphere.

I keep using Paper Paste over and over again.


If Shiromara uses mediums, does that mean he will draw on top with acrylics instead of colored pencils?


I agree.


Is there a texture you're trying to create?


Well, I want to paint something like a basket of fruit. I want to paint grapes, so I want to create a lush texture.


So, what kind of medium is best?


It will be even better if you can create a three-dimensional effect. There are various types, such as a hard type, so I think it's a good idea to choose depending on the texture you want to draw. If you search online, you will find photos of various textures, so if you choose one that suits you, I think you will be able to create a wonderful picture that is unique to Shiromaro.


Thank you, I'll take a look at it!


Both of you say that you still have many things you want to try, so if you create any new works, we would be delighted if you would upload them to FROMARTIST.




I will do my best.


Well, this is the end of the interview for now. Thank you!


From an early age, she was fascinated by the beauty of color and became passionate about painting and creating art.

After graduating from university, she began working in DTP design and contracting with fair trade workshops overseas to design and sell (retail and wholesale) original natural stone jewelry.

After getting married and giving birth, she started painting again. In 2021, she was on the verge of death from an unknown illness, but miraculously recovered after a year.

He creates artworks inspired by nature, space, and other things, with the view of art as part of the space.

He currently delivers his works to private homes and stores through Instagram and exhibitions. In the future, he plans to create art using recycled materials, etc.

Our goal is to create environmentally friendly art and to raise awareness of the environment through art.

List of works:


I often draw cats and furry creatures!

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