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What kind of painter was Matisse? A detailed explanation of his career and representative works!


Henri Matisse was a painter who brought a breath of fresh air to the art world at the beginning of the 20th century, captivating people around the world with his vibrant colors and life-filled works. In this article, we take a closer look at his life, art, and most famous works.

table of contents

What is Matisse?

・Representative works

・Exhibition Museum


What is Matisse?

Henri Matisse is a painter who brought a breath of fresh air to the art world in the early 20th century, and his vibrant colors and life-filled works continue to attract people all over the world. His name is closely associated with the art movement known as "Fauvism," and he was a central figure in that movement. His work is known for its bold use of color and its treatment of form, elements that have had a profound influence on artists of later generations.

His art was centered on the direct expression of emotion and feeling. The resulting works are visually vivid and full of emotion. His creative talents were not limited to painting, but were expressed in a variety of media, including sculpture, prints, and murals, and, especially in his later years, he developed a unique form of paper cutting.

Matisse's work showed new possibilities for art and contributed greatly to the development of modern art. His name is deeply etched in art history for his innovative approach and contributions. His works are still exhibited in many museums, and many people are attracted to them.

His art helped people to gain a deeper understanding of their own emotions and feelings, and offered new ways for people to connect with themselves, others and the world through visual art. Matisse's work remains fresh and fascinating to this day because he opened up new avenues for self-expression. His work opened up new possibilities in art and contributed to the development of modern art, making his name deeply etched in the history of art.

Now that we have a better understanding of Matisse's background and his art, let's take a closer look at some of his most famous works.

・Representative works

"Luxury, tranquility, pleasure"

"Sumptuousness, Silence, Ecstasy" is one of Matisse's masterpieces, and is known as one of his most colorful and vibrant works. This painting was created during the period when he was active as a member of the "Fauve" movement, and is characterized by vivid colors and powerful brushstrokes. The woman in the center of the painting is dressed in a luxurious dress and expresses both serenity and ecstasy. The room in which she sits is lavishly colored, and the vividness of the colors draws the viewer's attention. This work beautifully demonstrates Matisse's sensitivity to color and his ability to skillfully manipulate shape and space.

"Harmony in Red"

"Harmony in Red" is one of Matisse's masterpieces from his time as a "Fauve" painter, and is characterized by its richness and power of color. The painting is widely recognized as the best expression of his sense of color and his handling of form. The entire painting is covered in an intense red, and the figures and objects depicted in the room are integrated into the red background. This creates a harmony throughout the painting, creating a visually intense impression. The work symbolizes Matisse's innovative approach to the handling of color and form.

"The Artist's Daughter"

"The Artist's Daughter" is a painting of Matisse's beloved daughter Margarite, and is one of many works depicting his family. The painting beautifully expresses Matisse's warm love for his family and his deep affection for his children. Margarite's innocent expression and the vibrant colors that surround her make the viewer feel happy and at peace. This work is one of Matisse's most moving family paintings, capturing both his humanity and his passion as an artist.

"Decorative human figure on a patterned background"

"Decorative Figure on a Patterned Background" is a work that highlights Matisse's unique style in the treatment of color and shape. In this work, a nude woman is placed in front of a richly patterned background, and its intense colors and abstract shapes enhance its visual appeal. The woman's body is painted as part of the decorative effect of color and shape to maximize its effect. This allows the viewer to sense the harmony and contrast between the body and the background. This work perfectly expresses the treatment of color and shape that is at the heart of Matisse's art.

"Still Life with Sleeping Woman"

"Sleeping Woman and Still Life" is a work that beautifully expresses Matisse's unique sense of color and form. In this work, the sleeping woman and the still life surrounding her are harmonized through the contrast of rich colors and shapes. The woman's gentle expression and the presence of the still life give the viewer a sense of peace and tranquility. This work symbolizes Matisse's efforts to explore the relationship between the inner human being and the external world.

"Flowers and Fruits"

"Flowers and Fruits" is a work that perfectly expresses Matisse's exploration of color and form. In this work, flowers and fruits are depicted in vivid colors, which give the viewer a sense of life and vitality. His sensitivity to color and unique sense of form are vividly expressed through this work. Through this work, the viewer can feel the beauty and richness of nature, and the joy of life.


"Boat" is a work that perfectly displays Matisse's unique style in the use of color and shape. In this work, he uses his unique use of color and shape to create the image of a boat floating on a calm sea. The balance of color and shape is skillfully achieved, evoking a sense of calm and peace in the viewer. This work perfectly demonstrates Matisse's ability to express emotion through color and shape.

Matisse left behind a wonderful body of work that is appreciated in a variety of media, including oil painting and paper cutting.

In the next section, we will talk about museums where you can see Matisse's works.

・Exhibition Museum

Matisse's works are more often stored and exhibited abroad than in Japan.

We will introduce you to museums overseas where Matisse's works are on display.

Orsay Museum

The Musée d'Orsay exhibits Matisse's masterpiece, "Sumptuous, Silent, Ecstasy." This colorful and full of vitality work was created during his time as a member of the "Fauve" movement, and is characterized by its vivid colors and powerful brushstrokes. By viewing it in person at the museum, you can experience the luxury and power of the work up close.

Hermitage Museum

Matisse's "Dance II" and "Harmony in Red" are on display at the Hermitage Museum. "Dance II" in particular is widely known for its strength and dynamism. "Harmony in Red" is also widely recognized as a work that best expresses his sense of color and his handling of shapes, characterized by its richness and strength of color. By viewing the works in person at the museum, you can directly experience Matisse's unique way of handling colors and shapes.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is exhibiting Matisse's "Nasturtiums and the Dance." "Nasturtiums and the Dance" is a work that beautifully expresses his sense of color and strength, leaving a deep impression on the viewer. You can experience his rich colors and dynamic depiction directly.

Ohara Museum of Art

The Ohara Museum of Art is exhibiting Matisse's "The Artist's Daughter." "The Artist's Daughter" is a painting of Matisse's beloved daughter Margarite, and is one of many works that depict his family. This painting beautifully expresses Matisse's warm love for his family and his deep affection for his children. By viewing it in person at the museum, you can feel his humanity and passion as an artist.

National Museum of Modern Art (Centre Pompidou)

The National Museum of Modern Art (Centre Pompidou) is showcasing Matisse's "Decorative Figures on a Patterned Background", "Large Red Interior" and "Blue Nude II". "Decorative Figures on a Patterned Background" is a work that highlights Matisse's unique style in the treatment of color and form. "Large Red Interior" is widely regarded as the best expression of his sense of color and his treatment of form. "Blue Nude II" is a masterful demonstration of his ability to express emotion through color and form. Seeing these works in person will give you a deeper understanding of Matisse's treatment of color and form.


This article provides an in-depth look at Henri Matisse's life, his art, and his representative works. His use of color and shape, and his unique relationship to art and emotion, are extremely useful not only for appreciating his work, but also for understanding contemporary art as a whole. Matisse's work is exhibited in museums around the world, and his innovative approach and contributions are deeply etched in art history. In recent years, exhibitions themed on Matisse's work have been held in Japan, so be sure to check the information and go see them.

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About the author

Written by: Shiori

FROM ARTIST management staff. They write feature articles and columns, and provide operational support from an artist's perspective.

Supervisor: Shoma Toida

CEO of BUSCA LLC. Head of FROM ARTIST. Started his career as a marketer, worked for a business company and an advertising agency before going independent. Completed marketing-related programs at multiple graduate schools and business schools, including the University of California, Berkeley and London Business School. He also studied the MBA core curriculum at Macquarie University and the importance of art in education at the University of British Columbia.


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