絵画を購入する前に知っておきたい。2023年に流行の絵画のジャンルについて解説 - FROM ARTIST

Things you should know before purchasing a painting. Explanation of the genres of paintings that will be popular in 2023

Table of contents

・Popular genres of paintings

- Popular painting genres in 2023

・“FROM ARTIST” where you can search for trending paintings


Popular genres of painting

Popular genres of painting vary depending on the art market at the time and the tastes of art lovers, but below are some common popular genres.

Abstract painting: A genre of painting that uses abstract shapes and colors and is very popular in contemporary art. It is characterized by its ability to convey emotions and ideas through abstract expression, appealing to the viewer's interpretation and imagination.

Realism: A genre that depicts real objects and landscapes with precision, seeking realism and detail. Realistic paintings require technical skills and powers of observation, so viewers may be drawn to their completeness and power.

Landscape painting: A genre of painting that depicts landscapes, expressing the beauty of nature and the changing seasons. Landscape paintings can give a feeling of tranquility and peace, and can give peace and healing to the viewer.

Portrait: A genre of painting depicting people, which captures the likeness and expression of an individual. Portraits can express a person's emotions and characteristics, and have the charm of conveying a person's individuality and story.

Expressionism: A genre of painting that expresses feelings and emotions or depicts psychological elements. Expressionist paintings are not only visually beautiful, but also have the power to appeal to emotions and the inner world.

These are some of the common painting genres, and their popularity can fluctuate depending on the individual tastes and trends of art lovers and collectors. The art world is diverse, and paintings of various styles and genres are valued.

Popular painting genres in 2023

As of 2023, there are several trending painting trends. Below are some examples, but please keep in mind that the art world is constantly changing and trends vary by individual and region.

Digital Art: With the evolution of digital technology, art created with digital media is gaining attention. The number of works using digital tools, such as computer graphics and digital painting, is increasing.

Revival of pop art: Pop art, which was all the rage in the 1960s, is once again attracting attention. Works that incorporate bold colors and pop culture icons are popular.

Environmental art: Due to the growing interest in environmental issues and sustainability, artists are creating works with themes of nature and the environment. This includes the use of recycled materials and the incorporation of natural elements.

Minimalism: Simple and minimal design and expression methods are supported. Simple works with minimal waste and monochrome paintings are attracting attention.

Installation art: Three-dimensional works and installation art are popular. There are an increasing number of works in which the experience deepens when the audience touches and participates in the work.

These are some of the popular painting trends, and the art world is always exploring new ideas and forms of expression. Trends in painting change over time, so different styles and genres become popular.

"FROM ARTIST" where you can search for trending paintings

FROM ARTIST is a platform where artists can sell their paintings. Many artists from all over Japan are participating.

We sell works from a wide range of genres, including digital art, which is popular these days, and pop art, which is at its peak in popularity.

A wide variety of artists are posting works, including veteran artists who continue to create attractive works with overwhelming technical ability, and young artists who create works that are unconventional with various ideas, so you won't get tired of looking at them. yeah.

Also, new works are released every day, so please check it out.



How was it. There are many different genres of painting, and new trends are constantly emerging. Please search for your favorite authors and works.

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