From artists all over Japan
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This time, we are featuring works titled "What color is the town you live in?"
If the city you live in were a color,
If your favorite city were a color,
What color do you think of? ☺️
The colour of the sky, the colour of the sea, the colour of the mountains,
The colors that come to mind depending on the person
It must be different.
The theme this time is,
From the works featured in FROM ARTIST
A wonderful city-themed piece
Let me introduce you to
Each artist creates their own unique piece
Enjoy the unique use of colors.
[Work name] CITY (colorful) 2
[Artist name] Syuichi Yamaoka
[Production year] 2024
[Orientation and size of artwork] Landscape 27.3cm x 22cm
[Framed or not] No
Description of the work:
Colorful city
Work details page: https://from-artist.com/products/citycolorful-2
Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/syuichi-yamaoka
[Title] F20 Mimosa
[Artist name] yuuki yokoyama
[Production year] 2024
[Orientation and size of work] Landscape F20 canvas (727mm x 606mm)
[Framed or not] No
Description of the work:
In the town I often visit, there are beautiful mimosas and people walking around the town
You can often see people looking back several times with a look of regret before leaving the place.
As I look at these mimosas, I hope someday I will have one like them, beautiful and round and adorable.
I wanted to paint it in a way that was unique to me.
After much trial and error, the mimosa I painted became an abstract representation of the mimosa.
I painted on a larger canvas than usual, F20 size.
When you hang this painting, time flows more slowly,
I feel like I can sense a calm atmosphere.
To protect the artwork, please avoid direct sunlight.
Work details page: https://from-artist.com/products/f20-mimosa
Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/yuuki-yokoyama
[Title] From the top of the footbridge
[Artist name] Goino Masaya
[Production year] 2022
[Orientation and size of artwork] Landscape: 27cm x 35cm
[Framed or not] No
Description of the work:
The view I see now is
After overwriting and converting the image so that everyone can see what they want
It is not a false view at all
Reality for the person
I look through a white filter
Capture the cityscape
To find the answer
Continue converting everything to white
Work details page: https://from-artist.com/products/hodoukyounouekara
Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/goino-masaya
[Title] Frozen City
[Artist name] TAE
[Orientation and size of artwork] Landscape, 41cm wide x 31.8cm tall
[With or without frame] No
Description of the work:
Geometric patterns such as triangles and squares represent the cityscape.
And in the bottom center is a dead tree.
The red circle in the middle represents the sun and flowers being frozen.
But look closely. The left side also appears frozen, but you can see the pink of spring cherry blossoms peeking through.
Work details page: https://from-artist.com/products/kooritukumachi
Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/tae
[Title] akf605d
[Artist name] Naminami
[Production year] 2023
[Orientation and size of artwork] Portrait: 59.4cm x 42.0cm
[With or without frame] Yes
Description of the work:
*Although the work is digital (reproducible), in principle only one copy will be printed.
Work details page: https://from-artist.com/products/akf605d
Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/naminami
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I am part of the FROM ARTIST management team. I manage SNS accounts and write feature articles. I support the management from an art lover's perspective.
Supervisor: Shoma Toida
CEO of BUSCA LLC. Head of FROM ARTIST. Started his career as a marketer, worked for a business company and an advertising agency before going independent. Completed marketing-related programs at multiple graduate schools and business schools, including the University of California, Berkeley and London Business School. Also studied the MBA core curriculum at Macquarie University and the importance of art in education at the University of British Columbia.
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