アーティストが自身の作品を出品できるプラットフォーム 「 FROM ARTIST 」に「Little.junko」様の掲載が決定 - FROM ARTIST

"Little.junko" will be posted on "FROM ARTIST", a platform where artists can exhibit their own works

The artist " Little.junko " has been decided to be posted on the art DtoC platform "FROM ARTIST" where artists can appeal and sell their works to enthusiasts all over the world.

URL: https://www.busca-llc.com/fromartist


Artist name : Little.junko

Artist profile: I draw before going to bed while working, doing housework, raising children. I forget what I like. I am sleep deprived every day. smile

Drawing the various feelings and actions of these characters makes my heart dance https://clubt.jp/shop/S0000121018.html

Genre of work: Other

Future activities: In addition to selling works, this service will also offer auctions, rental works, and custom-made works.


Please pay attention to Little.junko's future activities.

FROM ARTIST is a place for artists to promote and sell their works to enthusiasts around the world. We aim to create a place where each work is properly evaluated, regardless of whether it is famous or not. In addition, FROM ARTIST cooperates with artists in its operation in order to realize a platform for artists. I hope that by getting involved in the operation of the service from an artist's point of view, it will lead to the realization of a better service.

[Three characteristics of FROM ARTIST]
1. Easy for anyone! Easy 3-step listing on LINE
2. Increase attention! If you wish, you can post an artist feature
3. Inexpensive sales commission! Plus half price for early registration

[Outline of FROM ARTIST]
Usage fee: Monthly, no initial cost Sales commission 20%
Registration method: Answer the questionnaire from the official LINE → Artist registration → Work registration details are here: https://www.busca-llc.com/fromartist
Sales site: Scheduled to be released in December

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