全国放送のTV番組「CC 〜Credence Clue〜」が放送されました! - FROM ARTIST

The nationally broadcast TV program “CC ~Credence Clue~” has been broadcast!

I was interviewed the other day

The nationally broadcast TV program “CC ~Credence Clue~”

We would like to inform you that it has been published✨

If you missed it, please check it out at the URL below 🥰

URL: https://credence-clue.jp/toita_shoma/


What is the TV program “CC ~Credence Clue~”?

“CC~Credence Clue~” is
Successful people are where they are today because they believed and pushed forward.
This is a program that follows the clues of such successful people.
Featuring actress Karina as narrator,
We feature interviews with growing business executives and notable doctors.

Excerpt from HP: https://credence-clue.jp/

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