
  • Ryota

    About two years ago, I developed bipolar spectrum syndrome and was told... 

  • Sagado (Sagado)

    I develop my works from a wide range of ideas, including photographs,... 

  • Saki yokoyama

    Lives in Yamaguchi Prefecture. I love drawing and photography, and I thought... 

  • Saya

    It's just a representation of that moment.  

  • Sayaka Fukumoto

    Debuted as an artist in New York in 2018. He has exhibited... 

  • sayaka watanabe

    I work as an artist in Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, an island in... 

  • Sayu


  • Seiya

    In my daily life, sometimes an image suddenly comes to me. I... 

  • Shanti

    Lives in Kanagawa Prefecture. Operates 3 hammock yoga studios in the Shonan... 

  • shimoji

    Lives in Fukuoka Prefecture I often draw fictitious scenery and emotions that... 

  • shimshiro

    ●shimshiro(Shimuro)⁡ △Born in 1995/Office worker living in Fukuoka⁡ ■I am attracted to... 

  • Shin Taka

    I was born in Saitama and currently live in Niigata. I loved... 

  • Shine

    I like drawing the sea, mountains, and nature. I usually work as... 

  • Shintaro

    Graduated from the University of Tsukuba International Studies in 2008, joined Tokyu... 

  • Shizuki Kagawa

    Abstract painter, from Saga Prefecture, living in Fukuoka Prefecture He draws pictures... 

  • Sizzle

    Artist, live painter. He conducts experiments and works to visualize abstract concepts... 

  • Sou.

    Sou. She has obtained the national qualification of occupational therapist, and is... 

  • staff choice!

    Here is a list of paintings that the FROM ARTIST staff recommends. 

  • Syuichi Yamaoka

    Since 2003, we have been running our own brand, xilentthinker I create... 

  • Tadashi

    After retiring in 2011, he went to study art at the University... 

  • TAE

    My name is TAE, and I mainly draw abstract paintings. I love... 


    Born in central Okinawa in 1968 1989 Entered Osaka “Nakanoshima Art Academy”... 

  • Takashi Uehara

    1960年生まれ幼少から絵描きが好きで高校時代は美術部、具象画中心でしたが2000年くらいからabstract art(アブストラクト・アート)「抽象芸術」を手掛けております。テーマは「飛躍と痕跡」各作品はテーマを元にしているためNo,で表示しています。主に墨とアクリルで描き木製パネルに張り付ける作品が多くあります。墨によるブラックと塗り残しのホワイトの調和するところにアクリルを滑らすように厚めにのせていく過程を楽しみながら描いてます。現在以下の4つのシリーズを手掛け取組み中シリーズ1 モノクロ抽象画シリーズ2 カラー 抽象画シリーズ3 アニマルシリーズ4 風景その他アーティストとして紀元前の人類が残してきた壁画や幼児が悪気なく壁に落書きをするように人がどうしても描きたくなる衝動を抑えることなく楽しみながら描くことを伝承していきたいです。 【Instagram】【Facebook】 


    I convert my past experiences of despair into energy and express it... 

  • Tamke.

    ●Tamke | Cosmo Modern Surrealist An artist who has had doubts about... 

  • tamma

    20代前半に幼少期を思い出し絵を描き始める。自分の中の気持ちを形や配置、アクリル絵の具を使って表現している。 【Instagram】______tamma1329__ 

  • Tatsuya Kitaguchi

    Artist: tatsuya kitaguchi Born in Toyama in 1982 He works in a... 


    As an experienced multi-creator who has worked in a wide range of... 



  • TheCraftyMissArt

    Glennie is a former nurse, educator, Christian, and community meetup organizer. She...