作品に込められた思いを知る〜コンセプチュアルアート特集〜 - FROM ARTIST

Understanding the thoughts behind the works - Special feature on conceptual art -

Have you ever heard of the term "conceptual art"? ?

This is a type of contemporary art and is also called ``conceptual art,'' but unless you are well-versed in art, you may not be familiar with the term.

So this time, what is conceptual art? Along with this explanation, we will introduce FROM ARTIST's recommended works✨

table of contents

・What is conceptual art? ?

・10 recommended conceptual art works


・What is conceptual art?

Conceptual art refers to works in which the concept (conception, idea, message, etc.) contained in the work is emphasized when the artist creates it.

It is said to have reached its peak in the late 1960s and 1970s, and it expanded worldwide.

Although it is often referred to as contemporary art, conceptual art refers to artwork that reflects the artist's own ideas and concepts.

・10 recommended conceptual art works

Now, here we will introduce conceptual art works carefully selected by FROM ARTIST and their artists❕

① “Withered rose in my head”

Description of the work: This painting depicts a woman who has stopped thinking because the rose in her head has withered.

This work was drawn by artist Komachi Nishino .

Mr. Nishino is active not only in Japan but also overseas. The unique colors and rough patterns express the emotions of the woman in the painting.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/atamanonakanokaretabara

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/nishinokomachi

② “[move]”

Description of the work: Depending on external changes, different scenery appears.

This work was created by artist Nami Kurokami . Mr. Kurokami, who is involved in the construction industry, has an outstanding sense of interior design.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/move

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/kurokaminami

③ “Mirror image”

Description of the work: A mirror image of the self. When I saw it in the crisp natural light of the morning, and when I saw it in the darkness before I fell asleep. When you look at it from a distance, and when you face it head-on... The way a work looks and feels doesn't always look the same. A mirror image that reflects one's own deep psyche gives us time to face ourselves and reflect, and allows us to notice feelings that we have overlooked. By using different paints depending on the reflectance of light, the work has a different impression depending on the viewing angle.

This work was drawn by artist Sizzle . I feel an overflowing power from Sizzle's works, which are created to visualize abstract concepts that cannot be expressed in words.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/kyouzou

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/sizzle

④“Heat source ~Fuente de calor~”

[Motif] Lion

With a simmering heat source and a blazing flame

Burning away the many difficulties that stand in front of me

Pushing forward on the royal road like a lion


Based on the concept of ``Believing in the possibilities and living in the present,'' we incorporate the two elements of the past and the future into various motifs to express the present. Furthermore, I believe that by having hope in the various possibilities accumulated through past experiences and the uncertain future, and living positively in the present, we can create the power to envision our ideal future.

This work was drawn by artist idogaeru . All of idogaeru's works, which are characterized by their bright colors and detailed patterns, are overwhelming. Please take a look at other works from the artist details page.

Work page:https://from-artist.com/products/netsugen-fuente-de-calor

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/idogaeru


Work description: A juicy and fresh love like cabbage♡

This work was drawn by artist YOKO . You can feel YOKO's HAPPY power from her works✨

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/kyabetu-love?_pos=1&_sid=68425a27b&_ss=r

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/yoko-1

⑥ “Oasis”

Description of the work: I created an image that allows you to feel the rich blessings of nature, such as flowing clear water, sparkling sunlight, and melting snow. I would be very happy if I could support the healing and purification of the hearts of those who view it, and help them spend their days with a fresh and exciting feeling each time they look at it. Some parts have a raised texture. Perfect for a variety of rooms, from Japanese to modern interiors.

This work was drawn by artist _m_art . You mainly draw abstract paintings. _m_art's gentle use of colors will soothe your heart.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/oasis

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/_m_art

⑦ “shul gen”

Description of the work: This was a live painting performed at the Mori Art Museum held in November 2022.

This work was drawn by artist Daisuke Morinaga . Contrary to the intense use of color, this work also gives a sense of Morinaga's delicacy.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/shul-gen?_pos=1&_sid=cedf876fe&_ss=r

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/morinagadaisuke


Description of the work: I tried to put myself in the feelings of shellfish.

This work was drawn by artist Rika Otomo . It is drawn with a mysterious texture unique to Otomo, making it a chic and cool piece.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/kai

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/ootomorika


Description of the work: We bump into each other many times in our lives.

And a wall to lean on when you're tired

This work is filled with the hope that it can become a wall for those who receive it to lean on.

This work was drawn by artist cardboardartz . Although the work itself is small, it is a wonderful work with an outstanding presence.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/wall?_pos=1&_sid=988867556&_ss=r

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/cardboardartz

⑩ “Heart”

Description of the work: When I was drawing this work, I was feeling like this.

"Sometimes you feel a strong sense of loneliness.

A delicate part of you that no one can understand. But I want you to know this.

you are so loved. "

This work was drawn by artist Sana Koeda .

This is a wonderful work with Koeda's powerful and powerful style and a strong message.

Work page: https://from-artist.com/products/heart?_pos=1&_sid=97d5a8555&_ss=r

Artist details page: https://from-artist.com/collections/koedasana


How was it?

When you look at a work of art, you can enjoy it in a different way if you understand the message contained in the work.

All the works introduced so far can be purchased at " FROM ARTIST"

Why not decorate your room with beautiful pieces?

FROM ARTIST is a service that currently has approximately 300 artists and anyone can easily purchase art works .

Many artists from all over Japan, both famous and unknown, have registered, so you may even come across an artist you haven't met yet.

There are many works on display regardless of genre, so you are sure to find your favorite work!

FROM ARTIST also accepts custom-made paintings . The customer selects the artist of their choice, and after agreeing on detailed conditions between the customer and the artist, the work will be produced. Would you like to create your own work, the only one in the world, with FROM ARTIST? ?

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Author: fuwari

FROM ARTIST management staff. We write feature articles and columns, and provide operational support from an artist's perspective.

Currently studying at Joshibi University of Art and Design.

Supervisor: Shoma Toida

CEO of BUSCA LLC. FROM ARTIST business manager. Started his career as a marketer, gained experience at a business company and advertising agency, and then became independent. Completed marketing-related programs at multiple graduate schools and business schools, including the University of California, Berkeley and London Business School. He also studied the MBA Core Curriculum at Macquarie University and the importance of art in education at the University of British Columbia.

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