
  • Ayako Taguchi

    Born in Saitama Prefecture Main exhibitions 2015 Ikebukuro Art Gathering 2015 Tokyo... 

  • blue sky

    Drawing with masking tape! thank you! 

  • Daisuke Morinaga

    For the past 10 years or so, he began to draw impulsively... 

  • expressionism

    Expressionism and Expressionism are characterized by expressing the artist's emotions and feelings... 

  • foam

    Draw a monochrome abstract painting Create a work by drawing a line... 

  • Granuloma

    19 years old 

  • history

    Artworks with the theme of history itself and things that make you... 

  • Hitoshi Ishikawa

    I create works using a combination of hand-drawn and digital techniques. I... 

  • Kazuhiro Asami

    At the age of 39, I won a prize at Musashino Art... 

  • Kiyoko Fujikake

    Born in Tokyo in 1948 Graduated from Tokyo Metropolitan Osaki High School... 

  • Kumiko Watanabe

    Thank you for viewing. abstract thing fictional man Favorite things something fun... 

  • Kyota Fukaya

    Born in 1997 While studying philosophy and history of thought at university,... 

  • lion

    He posts fluid art works on Instagram. His creative activities are based... 

  • Mayu Takebuchi

    The concept of this product is to “healing people’s hearts and lighting... 

  • Midori Sake Lake

    Born in Mito City in 1948. After studying Western painting, she worked... 

  • Nanase Tanaka

    Born in Tokyo in 1977. Graduated from Musashino Art University in 2000.... 

  • oil painting

    Oil paintings and oil paintings refer to paintings created using oil paints... 

  • Painter Touki

    We provide patterns for various media, from picture book illustrations to hotel... 

  • self-portrait

    Also called a self-portrait, it is a portrait of the artist himself.... 

  • Shigeyuki Arakuda

    1996Graduated from Musashino Art University junior college correspondence course 1996 Participated in... 

  • Shoichiro

    Born in Okayama Prefecture in 2001 Using a 0.1mm pen, create fish... 

  • Torajiro Tanaka

    I draw an extraordinary world by combining everyday and everyday life. However,... 

  • Toshio Saijo

    I work with oil pastels (Craypas). 

  • watercolor

    Watercolor and watercolor painting refer to paintings made with watercolor paints that... 

  • Yuki Kasamatsu

    I do sculpture and drawing with a ballpoint pen in Niigata Prefecture.... 

  • 熊谷 陽奈子

    出会った人や風景、環境、内面世界について、自然の中にあるモチーフや装飾品を拝借しながら描いています。クレヨンを用いたスクラッチ技法による細密画を得意としています。 【Instagram】@jackalope0175           

  • 珠桜

    浮世絵 歌川派 縁起凧絵師。奈良時代にインドの僧から伝わった縁起思想を江戸末期から昭和に栄え、昭和に絶えた歌川派の伝承を許されました。江戸の文化に興味を持って頂けたら幸いです。      

  • 白川哲治


  • 神 八雲

    見ると不思議な気持ちになる絵を描いています。日によって絵から受ける印象も変わるかも?あなた好みの作品がありますように… 【Instagram】→@ocdragon175 (こちらではアニメーション中心に投稿しています)         

  • 簗瀬 冴

    東京都美術館開催 秀彩会展「秀彩会賞(準大賞)」2回、「優秀賞(文部科学大臣)」受賞、「現代美術賞」受賞、「奨励賞」受賞、「努力賞」受賞。個展、グループ展 多数